Russia, Iran & Turkey agree to launch Syrian constitution committee by January

Top diplomats from Russia, Turkey and Iran have agreed to ensure that a 150-strong committee to draft a new Syrian constitution will convene for the first time early next year as they wrapped up a meeting in Geneva on Tuesday. “We have agreed to take efforts aimed at convening the first session of the Syrian […]

Boris Johnson says Theresa May has ‘wrapped a suicide vest’ around the UK constitution with her Brexit strategy

REUTERS/Leon Neal/Pool Boris Johnson launched a fresh attack on Theresa May’s Brexit strategy, saying that she “wrapped a suicide vest around the British constitution” and handed the detonator to the EU. He added that the UK had handed EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier a “jemmy with which Brussels can choose — at any time — […]

South Africa to change constitution to legalize taking away white farmers' land

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has said the ruling African National Congress must initiate a parliamentary process to enshrine in the constitution a proposed amendment, paving the way for land grabs without compensation. Ramaphosa, who vowed to return the lands owned by the white farmers since the 1600s to the country’s black population after he […]

A little-known part of Italy’s constitution makes it almost impossible for the country to leave the euro

Reuters/Tony Gentile Article 75 of the Italian constitution forbids referendums dealing with international treaties. That means that the country’s constitution would need to be changed before a referendum could be held on EU and euro membership. A two-thirds majority in the lower house of Italy’s parliament is needed to change the constitution. Such a majority […]

Myanmar’s president calls for rewrite of military-drafted constitution, fair treatment for minorities amid Rohingya crisis

Thomson Reuters Myanmar’s president called for a reform to the country’s military-drafted constitution and justice for recognized minorities as over half a million Muslims in the country’s Rakhine state have been pushed out by the military. In Myanmar, the President’s post is largely ceremonial, and the military holds much more political power. Some say the […]

Judge: EFF’s “Stupid Patent of the Month” clearly protected by Constitution

Enlarge (credit: GEMSA) A federal judge in California has ruled in favor of the Electronic Frontier Foundation after the organization was recently sued over its “Stupid Patent of the Month” blog posts. As a result, the advocacy group is not required to remove a recent post simply because an Australian patent entity (often called “trolls”) […]

China's Communist Party enshrines President Xi's ideology into constitution

Published time: 24 Oct, 2017 09:44 China’s ruling Communist Party has formally enshrined President Xi Jinping’s political thoughts into its constitution, raising his status to the country’s most powerful leader in decades and putting him on par with party founder Mao Zedong. The party unanimously passed the amendment to include “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism […]

Xi Jinping is testing his power over China by trying to amend the constitution to include his name

Reuters/Jason Lee BEIJING (Reuters) – China’s ruling Communist Party has agreed to amend the party constitution, expected to embed President Xi Jinping’s political thought, ahead of next week’s five-yearly party congress in which Xi will further tighten his grip on power. The party’s Central Committee, the largest of its elite ruling bodies, on Saturday passed […]

Trump's transgender ban violates Constitution, military lawsuit says

Five anonymous transgender members serving in the US military are suing President Donald Trump, claiming his military transgender ban violates constitutional protections of the Fifth Amendment. Two advocacy groups filed the lawsuit on Wednesday in US District Court in Washington, DC, according to Reuters. The suit was filed against President Trump, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis […]

Venezuela’s president released a version of ‘Despacito’ to support his effort to rewrite the constitution

YouTube Venezuela is less than a week from the vote called by President Nicolas Maduro to elect for members of a constituent assembly that would start redrafting the country’s constitution — a move widely criticized as an attempt to expand government’s power while disempowering citizens. Widespread public displeasure with Maduro’s effort has manifested itself in […]