Congresswoman Waters mixes up Putin and Pence while calling who to impeach after Trump (VIDEO)

Published time: 5 Aug, 2017 21:35 Edited time: 5 Aug, 2017 22:00 Democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters has long called for the impeachment of US president Donald Trump. In an emotional interview she’s now added to her list, VP Mike Pence… briefly confusing him with Vladimir Putin. During an interview on ABC’s show “The View” Saturday, […]

Congresswoman presses Federal Election Commission to investigate Trump Jr.’s Russia emails

Wikimedia Commons A Democratic congresswoman from New York is asking the Federal Election Commission to investigate President Trump’s 2016 campaign committee following revelations that Donald Trump Jr. was open to receiving damaging information about Hillary Clinton from a Russian source. The email, made public Tuesday, makes a reference to the Russian government wanting to assist […]

Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard says Trump ‘acted recklessly’ with Syria missile strikes

Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii torched President Donald Trump on Thursday night over his decision to launch a missile strike against airfields in Syria. Gabbard said Trump “acted recklessly” in authorizing the strikes on Shayrat airfield and nearby military infrastructure controlled by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The operation was a response to […]

From General Motors Exec to Beloved Anti-NAFTA Congresswoman

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell is legendary for her fast feet. “She’s everywhere. Her energy just seems unbound,” says Jack O’Reilly, mayor of Dearborn, a city in her Michigan district where nearly half of the almost 100,000 residents are Muslim and many work at the Ford plant. “Prolific,” adds Helal A. Farhat, a former magistrate judge. In […]

‘Scumbags organized around making money’: California congresswoman calls Trump’s inner circle the ‘Kremlin clan’

Screenshot via MSNBC Rep. Maxine Waters of California tore into President Donald Trump and members of his cabinet, calling them the “Kremlin clan” for their alleged ties to Russia. “This is a bunch of scumbags, that’s what they are, who are all organized around making money,” Waters said on “All In with Chris Hayes” Tuesday […]