Rep. Nancy Mace, who voted against impeaching Trump, says there’s ‘a lot of pressure’ on Republicans to impeach Biden: ‘I think that is something that some folks are considering’

U.S. Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) talks to reporters after a vote to hold longtime Donald Trump ally Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress at the U.S. Capitol in Washington REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz Rep. Nancy Mace says there's "a lot of pressure" on Republicans to impeach President Biden. On NBC's Meet The Press, Mace said impeachment is […]

The Good Fight: How Low Did the Firm Go to Help the DNC Impeach Trump?

This Sunday on The Good Fight, Reddick, Boseman and Lockhart was one of 10 firms eyed by the DNC to help pursue the impeachment of President Trump — if that time comes. How “low” did the partners have to “go” to stay in the running? RELATEDCable/Streaming Scorecard: What’s Renewed? What’s Cancelled? Margo Martindale guest-starred as […]

Congresswoman Waters mixes up Putin and Pence while calling who to impeach after Trump (VIDEO)

Published time: 5 Aug, 2017 21:35 Edited time: 5 Aug, 2017 22:00 Democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters has long called for the impeachment of US president Donald Trump. In an emotional interview she’s now added to her list, VP Mike Pence… briefly confusing him with Vladimir Putin. During an interview on ABC’s show “The View” Saturday, […]

‘For high crimes and misdemeanors’: Dem Congressman submits resolution to impeach Trump

Representative Brad Sherman (D-California) has introduced a resolution to impeach President Donald Trump for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” including obstruction of justice over the president’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey. The initiative, submitted to the House of Representatives, claims the president has “prevented, obstructed and impeded” a federal investigation into his former national […]

House bill to impeach Trump gains momentum after Trump’s feud with ‘Morning Joe’

Getty Images/Pool Twenty-five Democratic lawmakers now back a bill that would give them a path to impeach President Donald Trump, Yahoo News reported.   The bill would create an Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity, and it appears to be based on a loophole in the 25th Amendment which allows for the president to be removed from […]

Lone congressman calls to impeach Trump on House Floor: Does it matter?

Representative Al Green (D-Texas) has called for impeachment proceedings to begin against President Donald Trump. His speech on the House Floor came as a group of Democrats distanced themselves from calls for impeachment. “I rise today with a heavy heart,” Green began. “I rise today with a sense of responsibility and duty to the people […]