Guardian columnist George Monbiot is the latest to decry Facebook’s increased censorship after a video he made, on the crimes of European colonialism, was taken down by the tech giant. In his tweet, following the removal of the video Monbiot wrote: “Here’s our video about the airbrushing of colonial history, that @facebook has gone and […]
Tag: colonial
A years-old, one-letter typo led to Aliens: Colonial Marines‘ weird AI
Enlarge / Want Aliens: Colonial Marines to better resemble this ‘shopped image? Just remove one letter! (credit: Gearbox / Sega) History may never be kind to Aliens: Colonial Marines, but the present tense isn’t looking so good for the lawsuit– and complaint-ridden Gearbox game, either. This week brought to our attention one of the weirdest […]
Did a single typo screw up the AI in ‘Aliens: Colonial Marines’?
In case you need help selecting an old game to spend the weekend with, it might be a good time to revisit 2013’s Aliens: Colonial Marines. In a one-star review written when it was released, Xav de Matos called out the game’s AI as a problem and said: “Enemy encounters feature stunningly moronic xenomorphs that […]
Palestinians outraged by Israel’s ‘colonial construction plan’ for East Jerusalem
Published time: 25 Dec, 2017 04:43 Edited time: 25 Dec, 2017 04:51 Palestinian authorities have condemned the planned construction of new housing units in East Jerusalem as an “Israeli colonial dare,” encouraged by Washington’s controversial recognition of the Holy City as Israel’s capital. On Sunday, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates denounced the […]
The Colonial Betrayal That Haunts Colombian Peace
A Spanish executioner swung his hatchet and cracked the bones of a man named Benkos Biohó. Then he tore the victim’s limbs from their sockets and scattered the body parts around the central plaza of Colombia’s colonial city of Cartagena. Gov. García Girón called it justice, insisting that Benkos posed a threat to his mineral-rich, […]
Government, Indigenous leaders herald health agreement that will dismantle ‘colonial’ system
Canada’s health minister, the province of Ontario and the Nishnawbe Aski Nation have signed a deal on health care, a “landmark” agreement they say will begin the process of decolonizing the provision of care in the province’s north. CBC | Health News
Joanna Lumley speaks out on Colonial India: 'There's no shame or anger or resentment'
Born during the last days of the Raj after both sides of her family called India home for several generations, Joanna will explore the vibrant and unique country. In the travel series, she hopes to have an immersive experience of its diverse landscapes and varying cultural traditions. The programme will see the Ab Fab star […]
From banning booze to colonial compensation: A look at the outsiders in Dutch election
A total of 28 parties are running in the Dutch election. Further down the list; past the centrists, past the Christian democrats, the socialists, and the animal rights groups, lurk a whole host of small parties competing for a handful of the 150 seats. For many of these parties, next week’s election will be their […]