Wrong way: 2018 global CO₂ emissions tick up again

Enlarge (credit: Le Quéré et al./ESSD) For a young student, report-card season can be an exciting, stressful, or even depressing time of year. The annual tally of the world’s climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions is a little like that—but with a lot more on the line than a B in language arts. And unfortunately, 2018’s tally […]

CO₂ benefits of regrowing forests nothing to shake a stick at

Enlarge (credit: Patrick Shepherd/CIFOR) It’s a common suggestion that we should just plant trees to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere, but this isn’t quite the solution it may seem. Reforestation would roughly make up for the carbon added to the atmosphere by past deforestation, but our burning of fossil fuels is another matter. Still, […]

First facility grabs CO₂ from the air and stores it underground

Enlarge / It sucks air in and separates carbon dioxide out. (credit: Climeworks – Zev Starr-Tambor) In a press conference presentation Wednesday, Reykjavik Energy’s Edda Aradóttir described the company’s new project as “turning the CO2 troll to stone.” If deployed at scale, the technology behind this could make a big difference in charting a better climate […]