Superhero Bits: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 on Vinyl and Cassette, Gal Gadot Thanks Fans & More

When does the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 soundtrack hit cassette and vinyl? Which is the latest country to ban screenings of Wonder Woman due to Gal Gadot‘s Israeli nationality? Which two DC Extended Universe movies are likely to get the greenlight next? What did Marvel Cinematic Universe stars have to say about Wonder […]

Retro fit: Cassette Tape Coffee Tables give your apartment an ’80s vibe

If you yearn for the ’80s — for the sounds of gated reverb blasting through the boombox — but you’re a sucker for digital conveniences, a new Kickstarter campaign may satisfy that nostalgia without compromising musical integrity. A startup called Taybles is offering its line of cassette tape-shaped coffee tables at a big discount. It’s been about six years since […]