Mighty Ducks: Emilio Estevez to Return as Coach Bombay in Disney+ Series

RELATED STORIES Lauren Graham will have some familiar help in bringing the Mighty Ducks back to notoriety. As we hinted Wednesday, Emilio Estevez will reprise his iconic role as Coach Gordon Bombay in Disney+’s forthcoming series reboot of The Mighty Ducks. He will star opposite Graham, who will play the team’s new coach. The project — which […]

Bombay Sapphire recalls gin for being almost twice as alcoholic as it should be

Bombay Saphire If you’ve gotten surprisingly drunk after gulping down an strangely strong gin-and-tonic recently, you may not be alone.  On Tuesday, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency recalled a batch of Bombay Sapphire brand London Dry Gin from the market after finding the gin was almost twice as alcoholic as it should be. The drink was […]