Vivienne Westwood in furious clash with Kate Garraway over Assange claims ‘Just not true’

Vivienne Westwood spoke to Kate Garraway and Ben Shephard on Good Morning Britain today as she revealed why she was taking part in a stunt to protest Julian Assange’s incarceration. However, the fashion designer wasn’t pleased with the way the presenters introduced Julian and her support for him.  The founder of WikiLeaks took refuge at […]

‘Spying & threats’: Assange complains of ‘more subtle’ silencing than Khashoggi

Julian Assange has accused his Ecuadorean hosts of spying and feeding information to US authorities, and slammed attempts to block his journalistic work as a more subtle way of silencing than the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Suggesting there were “facts of espionage” inside the embassy, the WikiLeaks co-founder expressed concern during a hearing in Quito […]

‘They will be united in freedom’: Assange sends his cat away to safety

As the threat of extradition to the US hangs over Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder has been forced to keep his beloved pet cat safe by sending it away to live in exile with Assange family members. Residing in Ecuador’s London embassy since 2012, Assange’s safety became precarious last year when Ecuador elected President Lenin […]

Free speech for CNN, but not for Assange: The media’s double standard

Two journalists on the bad side of Donald Trump were vindicated this week. One had his White House credentials restored. Another got proof that Uncle Sam wants him behind bars. Guess which one had all the support from the MSM. CNN’s Jim Acosta was kicked out of the White House because the US president didn’t […]

Feds apparently reveal charges against Assange in accidental filing

Julian Assange, at center. (credit: acidpolly) Federal prosecutors have accidentally revealed that criminal charges have been filed against “Assange”—an apparent reference to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The feds filed the revealing document back in August, but the slip-up wasn’t noticed until it was flagged in a Thursday evening tweet. The filing was in an unrelated […]

Ecuador won't help Assange leave UK embassy safely – foreign minister

Ecuador will not help Julian Assange leave the UK, the country’s foreign minister said, claiming its only duty was to look after the WikiLeaks founder’s “well-being” after Assange sued them for restricting his rights and freedoms. Read more Ecuadorian FM Jose Valencia told Reuters that Ecuador was not responsible for helping Assange leave the London […]

Ecuador wants Assange to stop talking politics, pay own bills & look after cat – leaked rules

WikiLeaks supporters were thrilled to hear that Ecuador would restore Julian Assange’s internet connection. But his hosts – who have in some ways become his jailers – imposed a long list of restrictions on his behavior. While stating that he is allowed to exercise his “right of communication and freedom of expression,” a nine-page document already […]

Ecuador wanted to make Julian Assange a diplomat and send him to Moscow

Enlarge / Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, gestures from the balcony of Ecuador’s embassy in London. (credit: Jack Taylor/Getty Images) Last year, Ecuador attempted to deputize WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as one of its own diplomats and send him to Russia, according to a Friday report by Reuters. Citing an “Ecuadorian government document,” which […]

Generation being born now is the last to be free – Assange in last interview before blackout (VIDEO)

Before his links to the world was cut by his Ecuadorian hosts, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gave an interview on how technological advances are changing humankind. He said global surveillance will soon be totally unavoidable. The interview was provided to RT by organizers of the World Ethical Data Forum in Barcelona. Assange, who is currently […]