Small study suggests ibuprofen alters testosterone metabolism

Enlarge (credit: Wikimedia Commons) A new study is hinting that a common over-the-counter painkiller, ibuprofen, may be linked to a male reproductive disorder. While the study uses a pretty small sample of male subjects, it’s backed up by a set of consistent experiments from isolated cells, and earlier studies had hinted there might be something […]

Toke the good with the bad: Marijuana saves lives & alters brains, studies show

A new study finds the legalization of cannabis in Colorado was associated with “a statistically significant reduction” in opioid-related deaths. Another study shows that long-term use of marijuana changes the brain at a cellular level. On Monday, researchers from Brigham Young University’s neuroscience department published a study in the journal JNeurosci that found long-term use […]

DC Entertainment Alters Its Cinematic Universe Plans

If you’ve been paying attention to blockbuster movies over the past few years, chances are you’ve asked yourself this question: what the heck is going on with DC Entertainment? It turns out the answer is “quite a lot,” and thanks to a new profile, we’ve learned that DC and Warner Bros. are now rethinking the idea behind […]

Photography algorithm alters perspective after images are captured

Combining multiple photographs to create a new image isn’t uncommon, but researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) in partnership with NVIDIA have come up with a a pretty wild new technique to create entirely new compositions. It’s called “computational zoom,” and it promises to let photographers adjust the focal length (which basically […]

Senate alters sanctions to allow use of Russian rocket engines

Don’t look now, but American spaceflight just dodged a bullet. Senators have passed an amendment to an Iran-Russia sanctions bill that, if gone unchecked, would have barred both NASA and private outfits from using Russian rocket engines. The original measure was supposed to prevent purchases from organizations that work with Russian defense and intelligence, but […]