Novak Djokovic offers advice on achieving Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal greatness

Djokovic, Federer and Nadal have won 48 Grand Slam titles between them while dominating tennis for well over a decade. The trio are beginning to reach the latter end of their careers and are expected to be replaced by the next generation aces. All three stars are competing at Wimbledon over the next fortnight in […]

A 30-something real estate investor with 13 years of experience shares his 3-word strategy for achieving financial independence

Courtesy of Chad Carson Chad Carson has worked in real estate since 2003, strategically building up a portfolio of 90 rental properties mostly in and around his hometown in Clemson, South Carolina. After spending his first year out of college scouting properties for seasoned investors to buy and flip, he started using “house-hacking” and “live-and-flips” […]