‘Flying Lotus in 3D’ is a jam session between music and holograms

Backstage at the concert venue Brooklyn Steel in New York, the artist Flying Lotus was discussing his persistent desire to create experiences so new that they were inconceivable to an audience before the show. “I want people to be able to just be like, ‘Wow, that exists? Wow, this is happening? This is possible?’” said […]

RED Hydrogen smartphone first look explains the ‘3D four-view’ content — but not VR

Last month RED announced its $ 1,200 Hydrogen One Phone, which was described as the “world’s first holographic media machine.” Today, we’re finally getting an early look at the device itself beyond the previous teaser mock-up image thanks to a video from tech-focused YouTuber Marques Brownlee, aka MKBHD. In the video Brownlee describes the multiple different prototypes […]

Prototype ‘3D’ chip from MIT could eliminate memory bottlenecks

Future CPUs will have to deal with growing amounts of data, but all too often they are slowed down by bandwidth issues between the processor and RAM. A prototype chip built by researchers at Stanford and MIT can solve the problem by sandwiching the memory, processor and even sensors all into one unit. While current […]

‘Terminator 2: 3D’ Trailer: James Cameron Believes It Looks “Spectacular”

If you never got a chance to see Terminator 2: Judgement Day in theaters, then lucky for you, $ 7 million has been spent on converting James Cameron‘s action movie classic to 3D for a re-release. The director was hoping it’d be in theaters last summer for the 25th anniversary, but that didn’t pan out. The 3D conversion […]

Latest country joins space race with ‘3D printed’ test rocket (VIDEOS)

Published time: 25 May, 2017 11:01 New Zealand is the 11th country to blast into space, after Rocket Lab’s successful Electron test launch. It marks the world’s first orbital-class rocket to launch from a private site. Donned in a silver fern for New Zealand and a US flag, the rocket’s maiden voyage was delayed for […]

‘Terminator 2 3D’ Trailer: James Cameron’s Sci-Fi Classic is Back

When it comes to the Terminator franchise, one thing is certain: no one really knows what the hell is going on with it right now. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to make another one, but a sequel to the forgettable Terminator: Genisys is apparently dead. But since the franchise revolves around time travel, let’s take our eyes off […]

Arnold Schwarzenegger Will Narrate ‘Wonders of the Sea 3D’ Documentary

Ask anyone you know and they could probably pull out an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression for you. The star of The Terminator, Predator, and Conan the Barbarian has one of the most distinct voices in Hollywood, but he’s rarely done voice over work and has never narrated a documentary film before. That changes with Wonders of the […]