Supreme Court Justice’s wife under fire for criticizing Parkland shooting survivors

Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is the latest in a line of public figures under attack from the media for criticizing the survivors of the Parkland, Florida, high school shooting.

Thomas shared several posts on her Facebook page, including one that depicted a pile of shoes from Holocaust victims. The caption implied that gun control leads to genocide.

“To all the kids that walked out of school to protest guns. These are the shoes of Jews that gave up their firearms to Hitler. They were led into gas chambers, murdered and buried in mass graves. Pick up a history book and you’ll realize what happens when u give up freedoms and why we have them,” the post said.

It is the same post shared two weeks ago by a hoax page claiming to represent Virginia Beach Republicans.

Virginia Republican Senator Bill DeSteph described the post as “insensitive and offensive,” and Congressman Scott Taylor (R-Virginia) urged his followers to beware of hoax posts.

Thomas’ other posts questioned whether Parkland shooting survivor-turned gun control advocate David Hogg was part of a larger anti-gun conspiracy. One article, titled ‘Who Runs March for Our Lives?’ was posted with the caption: “Do you really believe the students of Parkland are doing this?”

In another post, which has since been deleted, Thomas sarcastically asked, “So, just wondering who got the permits and paid for the buses for this YOUTH march?”

Hogg was the public face of the anti-gun rally, which brought an estimated 500,000 protesters to Washington, DC last month. The protesters demanded that the US government reform its gun laws and ban semi-automatic rifles.

Thomas’ posts drew fire on Twitter, after which she locked her account.

Thomas is one of several public figures and commentators who have come into the spotlight for daring to criticize the Parkland survivors. Fox News host Laura Ingraham posted a tweet making fun of David Hogg’s grades, prompting Hogg to respond by tweeting a list of Ingraham’s advertisers along with a call to boycott them.

After 16 advertisers pulled their ads from her show, Ingraham issued an apology to Hogg, which Hogg refused to accept. Fox News executives, however, stood by Ingraham, and her show returned to the air on Monday. Ingraham criticized the left for “bullying” conservatives into silence and stifling free speech in America.

Frank Stallone, the brother of actor Sylvester Stallone, also apologized to Hogg after calling the 17-year-old a “headline grabbing punk” in an explicit and threatening tweet.

Not all of Hogg’s classmates have become gun control evangelists since the Parkland shooting. Kyle Kashuv, 16, has become an outspoken pro-gun activist, appearing on several conservative outlets.

Last week, Kashuv tweeted a photo with Justice Thomas. Kashuv said the meeting was “an honor,” and said that the pair talked about how the Second Amendment “won’t be touched.”

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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