Man’s creepy “upskirting” plan foiled when his shoe camera explodes

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A Wisconsin man’s plan to use a shoe camera to take photographs up women’s skirts was foiled this week when the battery exploded, injuring the man and causing him to rethink his pervy plan.

“When the explosion happened, he got treatment for minor burns, then disclosed what happened to his mentor, a clergyman,” Madison police officer David Dexheimer told the Wisconsin State Journal. The clergyman told him to visit the police.

Taking upskirt photos without a subject’s consent is a felony under Wisconsin law, carrying a penalty up to “3½ years of combined prison and extended supervision,” according to the Journal.

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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