Andy Murray EXCLUSIVE: Annabel Croft provides the inside track on big Australian Open call

Murray has set up a last minute fitness test with Roberto Bautista Agut in Abu Dhabi as fears over his condition ahead of the start of the 2018 season grow.

Andy Murray has not played competitively since Wimbledon when he ended his season early after defeat to Sam Querrey and tried to recover from a hip problem.

He did not undergo surgery and has hoped to recover naturally but progress has been up and down.

Video footage of him training in Abu Dhabi emerged yesterday where he didn’t look totally comfortable and when he played Roger Federer in an exhibition late last year he was struggling.

The match today appears to be make or break in regards to his January and he is expected to pull out of Brisbane if he is uncomfortable today.


And that would put his place in Melbourne in serious doubt for the first Grand Slam of the season.

And Sky Sports tennis expert Croft thinks he will skip it if he’s not ready and laments the way his body appears to have let him down after a stunning 2016.

“Having watched Andy Murray finish 2016 the way he did, I assumed and thought ‘oh my god he’s taken tennis to a new level’ he’s laying down the gauntlet and everyone’s going to be trying to catch him up in the men’s game,” she told Express Sport. 

“But none of us really saw how much he hammered his body and I think he sadly paid the price for that. What he put himself through to achieve that world No 1 ranking was just incredible but clearly it’s really hurt his body.

“It’s such a shame, but he needs his body to be fit. One of the greatest strengths he has on court is his ability to track down balls and pressure opponents mentality with getting another ball into play and forcing them to make another shot.

“He forces opponents to freak out because they want to rush points and you can’t get it away from him. So much of what he brings is this athletic ability on top of the talent and if he can’t run the way he’s been able to, and he’s been an amazing athlete, but it’s going to be very tough for him. 

“But I think he’s very, very motivated and you know I hope he can come back and play top level tennis again. I’m sure the heart and desire is there. 

“It was hard watching him (this year). When he walks he was really limping, so you can see he’s in a lot of pain but I think that season really took its toll but maybe he’ll say it was worth it because to achieve what he achieved it was incredible. 

“Nine titles, I think five of them back-to-back, world No 1 that last match of the season against Djokovic, it was just incredible, he certainly took a lot out of his body but hopefully he’ll think to achieve what he did was worth it.”

And Croft suggests he was given advice from Roger Federer late last year about rushing back and believes he is smart enough to take it.

“I don’t think he’ll play if he’s not righ,” she added. 

“When he played in Glasgow in the Andy Murray Live event I think Federer gave him the advice of not coming back too soon and I think he would take Federer’s advice and I’m sure he’s experienced enough to know how to handle his body and the injuries. 

“If he looked back on the interviews at that event then Federer was quite straight with him and said don’t come back too soon.

“He’s missed on the tour, he has such a unique style and is so intriguing the way he wins his matches, he messes with opponents rhythm and gets into their heads and physiologically dismantles opponents, and you know he’s such a clever tennis player and he plays tennis a little bit differently.” 

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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