Article was originally published on Sunday Scaries.

Legalization of CBD products is now widespread in America, as well as several other countries in the world and it is used by thousands of people who seek a natural way of improving their health and therefore the running and athletic community have also been using CBD as a way of treating injury-related pain, as well as a pre-workout treatment.
You are probably already familiar with the term “runner’s high” that is used to describe the euphoric sensation that athletes thrive off during and after an intense workout. And the reason that CBD is quickly becoming an invaluable supplement in the runner’s community is that it stimulates the production of anandamide in the body, which is the hormone responsible for runners high. Many runners are finding their performance has enhanced since they started taking CBD as a supplement and since the World Anti Doping Agency approved its use, the future is looking incredibly bright for this once unheard of the supplement.
CBD Can Soothe Pain And Inflammation
Runners are exposing their lower bodies to impact trauma every time they train, which over time can lead to an accumulation of stress. As much as 2/3 of long-distance runners have had bone stress injury, which leads to pain and structural fatigue of your bones in the lower body.
Runners also commonly experience the following:
- Shin splints
- Knee and joint injuries
- Plantar fasciitis
- Tendonitis
- Sprains and Fractures (usually caused by stress)
- Muscle Aches and Pains
- Back pain, especially lower back
Recently performed research discovered that CBD can be effective at relieving pain and reducing inflammation and it is often used to soothe the symptoms of arthritis, which are similar to those that athletes experience.
CBD Calms An Upset Stomach
The most embarrassing problem that most runners have to deal with is an upset stomach right before, during or after a race. Also known as Runner’s trot, diarrhea is the norm for many athletes. This is because when you run, blood starts being pushed away from your intestines towards your legs, sometimes resulting in nausea or an unexpected intense bowel movement. It is also thought that anxiety and a strict training diet could contribute to Runners trot.
There is some literature suggesting that CBD could help stomach upset and discomfort and it is one of the few conclusive pieces of research on CBD that currently exists.
The study revealed that CBD successfully reduced intestinal inflammation in colon cell cultures in humans and more current research also indicated that our endocannabinoid system plays a role in gut motility, controlling our appetite and more.
If you suffer from runners trot, then CBD could be an excellent choice. This also applies if your stomach issues begin before a race and you suspect it could be down to anxiety that CBD will also help with by increasing the production of serotonin in your brain.
CBD Can Reduce Anxiety and Help You Sleep Better
Picture the scenario: the night before the big race you have been preparing yourself for all year has finally arrived and you hop into bed nice and early to maximize those Z’s. Then disaster strikes–two hours have passed and you are still lying there awake, riddled with nerves and unable to sleep.
Multiple studies discovered that CBD has the potential to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and in turn, the sleeplessness that usually comes with it.
Although most of this research consists of preclinical trials, last year saw a review of adult psychiatric patients published. During the study patients were given CBD to help them sleep and combat anxiety and marked improvements were noted.
Incorporating CBD Into Your Training Diet
The most successful runners will ensure that they do everything possible to preserve their health and continuously improve their stamina. Vaping CBD is not recommended, as it could affect you having a healthy lung capacity. CBD tincture that you drop under your tongue or CBD edibles like these that offer a slow-release option will be your best option for incorporating it into your diet.
Another good choice for runners is to invest in some premium quality CBD balm, which is brilliant for localized muscle pain or injury-related swelling and it can be used safely in conjunction with any products you are already using. If you have a favorite balm that you habitually use to soothe cramps and post-workout pain, then you can easily add some full-spectrum CBD tincture to it to get extra relief. Always be sure to check that the CBD products you are purchasing can back up their printed ingredients list with a third-party lab report to verify the content–this is especially important if you are required to take drug tests, as you want to make sure the tincture or product you are using meets legal standards.
CBD offers runners a safe alternative to treating their pain in a natural way. The benefits of CBD are that it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce pain and swelling, and it makes you feel relaxed. The health benefits are natural and perfect for a post-workout recovery strategy (to aid those sore muscles), or short to long term pain management. Injury can hold you back physically, but also emotionally and making the decision to commit to self-care and include CBD in your diet will help you keep everything balanced and get back in the game as soon as possible.