The viral video, posted by Wildlife Sightings, capture the moment a group of tourists experienced a safari trip in Tanzania.
Using a jeep to drive through, they travel through the Serengeti National Park by vehicle.
The group of tourists film the experience as they drive past a group of lions.
With the window open, one of the tourists attempts to stroke the mane of the lion.
The lion doesn’t initially react while the tourists are filming.
As they continue to film from their phones, the lion slowly turns to look at the people in the jeep.
At first, it just glares at them without reacting to the annoying touch.
Suddenly, the lion growls at the group and bares its fangs at them.
One of the passengers yells “close the window” while another attempts to slide it shut.
The lion continues to stare at them inside the jeep while the people inside cower.
The video, which has since had over 1.4 million views, was called “Dumbest tourist ever”.
In the caption, it explained that the lions were most likely using the vehicle as shade in the hot area.
They wrote: “To try to touch is incredibly stupid and ignorant of the tourist that filmed the sighting.”
Many YouTube users agreed with the notion that the man was lucky to have escaped with his life.
One remarked: “What the darn heck were these idiotic tourists thinking of?”
It isn’t the first time a tourist has been caught on camera doing something stupid.
One man was left fearing for his life when a wild cheetah jumped into the jeep.
Thankfully it eventually got bored and left after exploring the vehicle.
Another tourist tried to get close to a lion during a safari trip.
It roared at the driver who dropped their camera in fear and instantly wound their camera up.