Emma, 45, got The Voice UK final underway in dazzling fashion on Saturday evening, welcoming four contestants to the stage in a battle to the crown. However, it seems she was the centre of attention as soon as the host made her first appearance on-screen in a plunging red gown. The presenter finished the piece with a short, brunette hairdo and it seems those watching the ITV competition at home were divided by her appearance.
One viewer posted on Twitter: “Great start to the show. Emma Willis always looks fab #thevoiceuk,” with a second writing: “Emma you are looking bloody gorgeous! #TheVoiceUK @EmmaWillis.”
A third shared: “Liking Emma’s hair tonight. That is the Tweet #TheFinal #TheVoiceUK, with a fourth opining: “I love Emma but that dress does nothing for her #thevoiceuk.”
With the way the dress was sitting and with the V-neck cut elongated down the presenter’s chest, a fifth remarked: “Emma showing the full-on cleavage tonight #TheVoiceUK.”
“Emma looks so pretty #TheVoiceUK #thevoice,” a sixth commented, with a seventh stating: “Emma Watson is giving me pure Jessica Rabbit vibes #TheVoice.”
An eighth added: “#TheVoice not too keen on Emma’s dress.”
READ MORE: The Voice UK: Sir Tom Jones explains why he picked Hannah for final
Viewers seemed to be shocked by the change to Emma’s hair as they have also been watching her presenter Channel 4 game show, The Circle.
Having filmed the latter last year, the television personality had blonde hair whereas, for the final of the singing competition, she sported a brunette look.
It seems the mother-of-three has had this hair colour for quite a while as she has been posting on her Instagram page with the brown locks.
The majority of her darker-haired looks have been in images from the filming of the latter stages of The Voice UK.
However, once the conversation about the presenter’s appearance had dwindled, viewers turned their attention to the singers.
One of the contestants who made it to the final was 18-year-old Grace Holden who was representing Olly Murs’, 36, team.
Sir Tom Jones, 80, watched as his team member Hannah Williams took to the stage and will.i.am, 46, supported his finalist, Okulaja.
New coach to the competition Anne-Marie, 29, had Craig Eddie from Scotland to try and help her secure her first-ever win.
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However, the coaches didn’t actually know who they were going to be rooting for in the final of the singing competition.
This was because the public had to vote who to send through after watching two semi-finals over the past fortnight.
Each coach was happy with the decision the viewers made and although the contestants got to sing on their own, they also got to duet with the celebrity spurring them on.
Following this, the finalists were cut from four to two as the competition for the crown got even tenser.
Emma has addressed what she thinks of the success that comes for the winner when they are crowned champion of the show.
She said: “Many have gone on to work in musical theatre and that is a way of living by making music and singing. It depends on how the individual sees it.
“Not everybody measures success in the same way. The music industry is so unpredictable. Who knows what will happen?
“All I care about is that the people who come on the show have a good time and hopefully carry on and make music their livelihood,” she told The Sun.
The Voice UK will return to ITV next year.