Lana Del Rey’s “Coachella — Woodstock in My Mind” as a Window into Our Baudrillardian Cultural Hell

There’s something immensely sad about listening to Lana Del Rey’s “Coachella — Woodstock in My Mind.” Not, perhaps, for the reasons that Del Rey might have intended in writing the song, which is a somewhat sappy meditation on the state of the world through the lens of a sort of epiphany that she apparently had […]

S-Town: John B McLemore’s maze in Woodstock, Alabama – photos

Warning – spoilers for episode 2 and beyond. xS-Town began life when Serial journalist Brian Reed received an email with the subject “John B McLemore lives in S***town, Alabama”. John, a horologist, “celibate homosexual” and self-described outsider, wrote to Brian asking if he would investigate an alleged murder in his hometown that he claimed had […]