New Details on ‘Rogue One’ Opening Crawl Emerge Even Though Gary Whitta Forgot About It

One of the biggest departures from Star Wars tradition that was taken by Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was the lack of an opening crawl to set the stage for the movie to come. However, even though we didn’t see one in the final movie, we did find out that there was once an […]

The Future Of Star Wars Won’t Rely On Legacy Characters, Promises ‘Rogue One’ Screenwriter Gary Whitta

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story co-screenwriter Gary Whitta claims that the future Star Wars movies won’t rely on the legacy characters from the original Star Wars trilogy. Find out what he said, after the jump. When talking to screenwriter Gary Whitta while promoting the upcoming Rogue One blu-ray release, ComingSoon asked about the future of […]