Futuristic house robots could be WEAPONISED as experts warn ‘they will soon be around us'

Cesar Cerrudo and Lucas Apa from the cybersecurity firm IOActive said current and future robots have vulnerabilities which would allow hackers to spy and launch attacks on users. The pair have identified nearly 50 vulnerabilities in home, business and industrial robots which could be exploited and potentially weaponised. Mr Apa said: ”Our research shows proof […]

GTA 5 Gun Running DLC: First look reveals epic new weaponised vehicles and bases

The new GTA 5 Gun Running DLC is being released next month and will allow fans to buy new bases that will unlock special missions and vehicles. These missions look set to mimic the already-established Biker Gang and CEO mechanics, albeit with one major twist. The new Gun Running DLC will also have massive new APCs […]