Money Heist plot hole: Fans spot huge issue with Tokyo’s role in Part Three ‘Unrealistic!’

Unfortunately, the gang’s first assignment already granted them some unwanted notoriety, and the Spanish Police sent everything they’ve got to stop the second heist. During the coronavirus pandemic, Money Heist’s availability on Netflix has provided subscription holders hours of entertainment when they discovered the Spanish series. However, one observant fan exposed a glaring plot hole […]

Stranger Things plot hole: Fans spot major Eleven and Max blunder ‘It’s unrealistic!’

“Highly unrealistic, especially in the Cold War era. “You’re not going to get around 10 American people, most of whom are children whose parents won’t be aware, to go to Soviet Russia. “There would have to be a large part of season 4 spent rescuing Hopper because of his importance as a character. “They won’t […]

Granting asylum for sacked Catalan leader Puigdemont ‘not unrealistic’ – Belgian minister

Published time: 29 Oct, 2017 11:01 It is “not unrealistic” to grant dismissed Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont political asylum in Belgium if he applies, Belgian Immigration Minister Theo Francken said on Sunday, amid a simmering dispute over Catalonian independence. “It is not unrealistic if you look at the situation,” Francken told Belgian broadcaster VTM, as […]

EU needs new ‘detente policy’ for Russia, current sanctions-based approach ‘unrealistic’ – German FM

The EU policy towards Moscow, presently based on strict sanctions, is “unrealistic,” the German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has said, adding, that he “ardently supports” the idea of a new “de-escalation policy” in relations between Europe and Russia. “Why cannot we dare to lay a new foundation to the disarmament and arms control [policy] instead […]

Most of Gulf nations’ demands on Qatar unrealistic, but some could be negotiated ‒ Tillerson

It is unrealistic of Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries, which last month cut ties with Qatar, to expect that the Doha-based emirate will fulfill all their demands, according to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Some items on their list could be included in an eventual deal, Tillerson added. The United States’ top diplomat […]

Saudi Arabia to meet with allies after Qatar rejects ultimatum as ‘unrealistic’

The four Arab nations who initiated the diplomatic and economic blockade of Qatar will meet in Egypt to discuss further action after Doha rejected a list of 13 demands and the extended deadline passed. Accusing Qatar of sponsoring terrorism, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt issued a list of ultimatums to Qatar on […]