Alicia Vikander: Watch Tomb Raider star’s sexiest roles plus full gallery

The Oscar-winning actress is in the shape of her life to play the computer game heroine. However, she has never been shy about showing off her incredible body in the past, whether she is playing a slightly terrifying science fiction sex symbol or a costume drama adulteress. In period movies from Anna Karenina to Testament […]

Movie Mixtape: 6 Movies You Should Watch With ‘Tomb Raider’

(Welcome to Movie Mixtape, where we find cinematic relatives and seek out interesting connections between new releases and older movies that allow us to rethink and enjoy what’s in our theaters as well as the favorites on our shelf. In this edition: Tomb Raider.) The new Tomb Raider is a fascinating cultural artifact when you think too long about […]

‘Tomb Raider’ Review Round-Up: Does This Break The Video Game Movie Curse? Nope

The Tomb Raider review embargo has lifted, and let’s just say the critics aren’t exactly enamored with the latest big-screen Lara Croft adventure. Not even Oscar winner Alicia Vikander is enough to elevate this video game movie – although there are some kind words here and there. Our full Tomb Raider review round-up is below. Lara Croft […]

‘Tomb Raider’ Clips: Lara Croft Has Meetings, Solves Puzzles, Fights Walton Goggins, Raids Zero Tombs

Hey, a new Tomb Raider movie is a thing that’s happening this week. Alicia Vikander (Jason Bourne, Ex Machina) stars as Lara Croft, the main character from the long-running video game franchise that follows an explorer who always seems to get caught up in danger and intrigue among historical artifacts and ruins. Four new Tomb […]

Tomb Raider movie 2018: 'Alicia Vikander's boobs’ comment gets backlash for YouTuber

Alicia Vikander plays Lara Croft in the movie; an iconic videogame character from the 1990s. But a YouTuber – by the name of Amazing Atheist Guy – is getting slammed for saying Vikander’s breasts don’t resemble Croft’s. “Do I have to be the asshole who says her t**s are too small for me to see […]

Tomb Raider movie 2018: Is Lara Croft still a ‘sex symbol’? Alicia Vikander speaks out

The video game character is one of the most iconic of all time – and was previously played by Angelina Jolie in two movies at the turn of the millennium. Now, Vikander has stepped into the role for the new movie version, due in cinemas later this week. In a new interview, she spoke of […]

Tomb Raider 2018: Alicia Vikander reveals GRUELLING training for Lara Croft movie role

Vikander takes over from Angelina Jolie in the new film, which is released later this month. It’s action-heavy film that required the Oscar winner to be on top of her game with her fitness. Speaking on ITV’s Lorraine today, she admitted that she was nowhere near ready for all the gruelling stunts when she first […]

‘Tomb Raider’ Clip Looks Exactly Like The Video Game, But Is That Enough?

How important is accuracy to a film adaptation of a video game? This new Tomb Raider clip from Warner Bros.’ upcoming movie reboot proves that director Roar Uthaug has absolutely nailed the visual aesthetic of the 2013 video game, but is capturing that aspect enough to pull off a successful adaptation? Check out the new […]

Trailer Round-Up: ‘7 Guardians of the Tomb’, ‘Genesis 2.0’, ‘Journey’s End’ and More

To save you the trouble of clicking on multiple pages, we’ve compiled a whole bunch of trailers in on convenient location via a new trailer round-up. You’re welcome. Here we have Kelsey Grammer vs. spiders with 7 Guardians of the Tomb, the documentaries Genesis 2.0 and Do You Wonder Who Fired the Gun?, the World War I […]

TV Spot Round-Up: ‘Tomb Raider,’ ‘Red Sparrow,’ ‘Game Night’

Movies, now more than ever! Here’s a round-up of some recent TV spots for some big movies coming your way very, very soon. There are two spots for the new Tomb Raider, a spot for the Jennifer Lawrence spy-thrilled Red Sparrow, and a spot for the comedy Game Night. Sometimes a simple trailer just won’t do. Enter TV spots. […]