Good Trouble’s Sherry Cola: Alice’s Struggle With Asian Stereotypes in Comedy ‘Could Not Be More Timely’

RELATED STORIES Like viewers, Good Trouble star Sherry Cola also sometimes feels like the show’s writers have a crystal ball to help them craft topical and prescient storylines. The Freeform drama has been highlighting the Black Lives Matter movement since its premiere in early 2019, in addition to telling stories about women in tech, transgender […]

19 German Stereotypes That Don't Make Sense To The Rest Of The World

German donuts. Depending on where you are in Germany, you might start a war by just calling them the wrong name. Whilst most Germans say “Berliner” (in the North) or “Krapfen” (in the South), people in Berlin actually say “Pfannkuchen”, which means “pancake” in the rest of Germany … yes, it’s complicated! Let’s block ads! […]

Smashing Stereotypes of Being Brown in America — With Comedy

Sunil Bhatia, author of American Karma: Race, Culture and Identity in the Indian Diaspora, is a professor of human development at Connecticut College and a recent fellow with the Public Voices Greenhouse through The OpEd Project. They’re equal to the task … of fighting discrimination. Hasan Minhaj, with his recent comedy special, Homecoming King, and […]

How Steph Curry Is Shattering Stereotypes One Swish at a Time

Splash. Did you see that? Not to worry, plenty more rafter-kissing raindrops from Steph Curry and Klay Thompson will soon be on their way. The Splash Brothers shoot from anywhere, launching long-distance threes that mesmerize the trailing gaze of fans until that pandemonium-inducing tickle of the net. When Game 2 of the NBA Finals tips […]