‘Into the great black open’: Soyuz TIME-LAPSED journey to the International Space Station (VIDEO)

German astronaut Alexander Gerst has compressed a six-hour flight, he witnessed from the ISS window, into a mesmerizing time-lapse sequence, capturing the Soyuz journey from blastoff at Baikonur all the way to its docking. The astronaut shot the spacecraft’s trip from the International Space Station’s ‘Cupola’ observatory module. The video shows the Soyuz passing different […]

Russia successfully performs first Soyuz flight since October malfunction

The Russian Soyuz-FG launch vehicle lifted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the first launch since a rocket malfunction last month. The carrier has put the Progress MS-10 space freighter, loaded with 2.5 metric tons of supplies, on a trajectory toward the International Space Station (ISS). Progress MS-10 is scheduled to dock with the […]

Watch Soyuz rocket deliver Russian navigation satellite into orbit (VIDEO)

A video shows a Soyuz-2-1b rocket successfully blasting off into space from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northwest Russia as it delivered a navigation satellite into orbit. The launch was conducted on Saturday night. The rocket was equipped with upper stage Fregat, which propelled a GLONASS-M satellite into orbit. The satellite is part of Russian national […]

Soyuz spacecraft launch fails, astronauts set for emergency landing

NASA is reporting that there has been an “issue with the booster” on the Soyuz craft that’s currently taking astronauts Nick Hague of NASA and cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin to the International Space Station (ISS). Details are sparse at the moment, but it appears that the capsule is making a “ballistic descent,” descending at a high […]

Space barbershop: Russian cosmonauts trim & count white hair after Soyuz depressurization (VIDEO)

It turns out Russian cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev has grayed quite a bit following the drop in air pressure on board the ISS, his colleague has discovered, while giving the commander of the Soyuz MS-09 spacecraft a haircut. In his latest enlightening video report from aboard the International Space Station, cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev has detailed the […]

Soyuz spacecraft blasts off into space, taking 3-man crew to ISS (VIDEO)

A Soyuz MS-08 rocket has taken off from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, carrying two US astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut to the International Space Station (ISS). The spacecraft is expected to reach ISS in two days. The ISS Expedition 55/56 includes the spaceship commander, Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev, as well as two onboard engineers, […]

Russian Soyuz rocket blasts off from spaceport in French Guiana

A Russian-made Soyuz rocket was successfully launched from the Guiana Space Centre in Kourou, French Guiana, on Friday. The rocket carries four O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) communication satellites, operated by the SES Networks. The Soyuz craft is also fitted with another Russian-made module – Fregat-MT upper stage – which is expected to put the […]

‘You try going to space on your iPhone’: Russian embassy hits back at Soyuz ‘old tech’ jibe

Published time: 8 Oct, 2017 20:34 Edited time: 8 Oct, 2017 20:34 The Russian Embassy in the UK has issued a tongue-in-cheek challenge to a British journalist who said that Russian spacecraft were still operating with Soviet technology less powerful than an Apple smartphone. “Almost nothing the Russians use to go into orbit has changed […]

Soyuz spacecraft lifts new crew to space station (VIDEO)

Published time: 12 Sep, 2017 21:49 Edited time: 12 Sep, 2017 22:01 The Soyuz MS-06 has successfully blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan to deliver three new members of the ISS Expedition 53/54 to their orbital outpost. The spacecraft carrying Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin as well as NASA astronauts Joe Acaba and Mark […]