‘Make millions and come back’: Revolving door alive & well in Trump’s Washington

President Donald Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” in Washington may be getting mired in the same muck his predecessors struggled with, as lobbyists keep getting government jobs and officials leave to make fortunes elsewhere. Trump’s chief economic adviser Gary Cohn resigned on Wednesday, after disagreeing with the president on the issue of steel and […]

Stanley Fischer defends the revolving door between Wall Street and the Fed —without mentioning he’s part of it

REUTERS/Gil Cohen Magen Federal Reserve Vice Chair Stanley Fischer’s academic and policy credentials are hard to match. During his days at MIT’s economics department, he was a teacher of teacher, lecturing to Ben Bernanke, the ex-Fed chairman, and Mario Draghi, the current European Central Bank president. Still, like Draghi and Bernanke, both of whom have […]