‘Gator shotgun’: Two men face jail for forcing reptile to chug beer (PHOTOS)

Published time: 29 May, 2017 20:41 An alcohol-fueled social media prank has landed two men in hot water after they were pictured force feeding an alligator beer. South Carolina residents Zachary Lloyd Brown, 21, and Joseph Andrew Floyd, 20, have been charged by state police over a bizarre incident which saw a young alligator plied […]

A reptile that decapitates birds and can live until 100 is the sole survivor of a lineage as old as the first dinosaurs

AP Photo/NZPA, Dianne Manson Have you ever heard of the tuatara? It’s a reptile that decapitates birds with its saw-like jaws, lives to about 100 years old, and can remain active in near-freezing temperatures. It’s also the sole survivor of a lineage as old as the first dinosaurs. May 2017 marks 150 years since the […]