Liam Neeson says that a horse he acted with before recognized him on the set of his new movie with the Coen Brothers

Universal At the New York Film Festival, Liam Neeson said that a horse on the set of the Coen Brothers’ “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs” remembered him from another movie they shot together. Neeson says he knows the horse remembered him because “he whinnied when he saw me, and pawed the ground.” Neeson did not […]

Is Black Lightning Supposed to Be 'Dead'? How Is He Not Recognized? And More Burning Qs Answered

Black Lightning lit up The CW this week, giving the Tuesdays-at-9/8c time slot its biggest audience (“Crisis on Earth-X” excepted) in three years and its best demo rating in two. Coming out of that well-received premiere, TVLine rounded up some answers to questions you might have about its titular principal by day/costumed crimefighter by night, […]

Futuristic Moscow bridge recognized as international masterpiece (PHOTOS)

Published time: 4 Aug, 2017 17:07 Moscow’s futuristic Picturesque Bridge has been recognized as an international masterpiece by the prestigious Auguste Perret architectural prize. The bridge’s designer, Nickolay Shumakov, is the first Russian to receive the award. Russia’s Union of Architects announced that Shumakov would receive the special prize earlier in July. The Prize for […]