Make fitness fun: Alternative activities to get your pulse racing

GETTY The gym ins’t for everyone, here are some women who discovered alternative fitness avenues She says: “My gymnastics ability as a child was limited to a forward roll and cartwheel. If you’d told me that I’d be mastering backflips in my thirties, I’d have laughed. Working full-time as a teacher, with three small children, […]

Forced confession expert called to court after gunman's wife said she knew of Pulse attack plan

Published time: 7 Jan, 2018 02:33 Edited time: 7 Jan, 2018 03:14 The wife of the Pulse nightclub shooter, on trial for aiding and abetting a terrorist, says she knew the attack was going to happen but failed to warn authorities beforehand, according to newly released statements. “I knew when he left the house he […]

The IndieBeat: How Rhythm Doctor was 1 second away from losing its pulse

Rhythm Doctor‘s catchy riffs and clever one-button gameplay have mesmerized a few notable indie game events this year. It was an official nominee at IndieCade and earned a spot at Double Fine’s Day of the Devs festival. It also won the award for best audio at the Indie Prize Showcase in Asia, the Busan Indie […]

Obamacare Still Has A Pulse 🏥

Leading senators from both parties have struck a deal to stabilize the Obamacare markets for two years, funding the subsidies for low-income Americans that President Donald Trump announced he would end last week. For Republicans, the deal would give states “significantly” more freedom to get exemptions from the Affordable Care Act’s rules. While the full […]

Alzheimer’s breakthrough: 'Life-changing' improvements after magnetic pulse treatment

The “NeuroAD” treatment involves projecting a magnetic field into sufferers’ heads while they solve problems and puzzles. “Promising” early results from trials on those suffering the early stages of Alzheimer’s have confirmed that the full onset of the illness can be slowed by up to a year with the groundbreaking method. The treatment stimulates parts […]

Is This the New Way to Take the Political Pulse of the Nation?

When pollsters at the Democratic polling firm Benenson Strategy Group sought the opinions of voters older than 50 on the Republican plan to replace Obamacare, they started dialing phone numbers. When they wanted to hear what millennials thought, they formed a sample online. The dial-versus-surf split is a sign of an industry in flux. Reaching […]