Trump under fire for ‘disrespect’ & for shelving prepped WH remarks praising ‘national hero’ McCain

The US president is facing massive fury over his failure to issue an official White House statement praising the deeds of John McCain, with his critics accusing him of insulting a true American hero because of personal enmity. Donald Trump has reportedly ordered his aides to scrap a eulogy in praise of John McCain, over […]

Tesla Roadster is prepped for SpaceX mission take-off at Cape Canaveral (PHOTO)

Published time: 23 Dec, 2017 09:38 SpaceX entrepreneur Elon Musk has revealed the first image of the Tesla sports car which his company will rocket to the red planet. The brains and capital behind the Falcon 9 reusable rocket, Musk earlier this month announced his plans to launch a Tesla Roadster – playing a David […]

WATCH: Baby with heart born OUTSIDE her body is prepped for lifesaving surgery

Mum Premkumari, 22, and her husband Arvind Patel, 24, were told there was some sort of abnormality following the ultrasound scan, but couldn’t afford further tests. Little Hemlata was given a 50 per cent chance of survival when she was born with Ectopia Cordis – her heart outside the chest thorax. The tiny fighter has […]