Facebook updates ad policies to prevent ‘Russian interference’

Facebook is increasing authenticity requirements for advertisers, adding over 1000 people to its ad review staff after claiming it found paid postings on “divisive” social issues that “appeared” to stem from a Russian entity. A Facebook user will be able to see not only what a Page or an account is advertising to them directly, […]

Majority of French say Macron policies ‘unfair’ – poll

Published time: 28 Sep, 2017 14:05 The majority of French people say the policies of recently-elected President Emmanuel Macron are “unfair,” a recent poll reveals, adding that more than a third consider the actions of the French leader “disappointing.” READ MORE: Macron’s approval rating nosedives to 30% in latest poll The Elabe online poll – […]

Does travel insurance ever cover for natural disasters? Policies explained

Travel insurance is a must when heading abroad, as it covers holidaymakers from theft and injury, among other things. However, many may be asking whether they are covered in the event of a natural disaster and they are caught up in the danger. It is certainly a valid question in light of the recent earthquake […]

How Trump’s immigration policies could hurt the Heartland the most

GUEST: During the 2016 election, President Donald Trump ran on the idea that small towns in America have been left behind. He understood that, while overall economic indicators suggest recovery from the Great Recession, many parts of the country are still struggling to create jobs. He tapped into the frustration felt by the Heartland fighting […]

China just reversed 2 policies to keep the yuan from sliding

Jacky Naegelen/Reuters China is reversing course and loosening some financial restrictions after the yuan’s appreciation in 2017. The People’s Bank of China will remove an October 2015 measure that made it more expensive for onshore banks to use currency forwards, as well as a January 2016 reserve requirement on foreign banks’ yuan deposits, according to the […]

China’s foreign minister says Japan kowtows to US policies in Asia

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met his Japanese counterpart, Taro Kono, and said that Japan seems to be “forced to fulfill a mission that the US had given” to Tokyo, in criticizing China’s policies in the region. The foreign ministers held their first talks on Monday in Manila, where both arrived for the Association of […]

The top US trade negotiator said Trump will challenge ‘unfair’ Chinese policies

AP Photo/Evan Vucci WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The top U.S. trade negotiator said late on Tuesday that President Donald Trump is determined to challenge China’s use of unfair subsidies and “non-economic” industrial policy to build up export industries that are costing American jobs. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, in a rare media interview, said that the […]