Gazprom begins TurkStream pipeline construction

Published time: 8 May, 2017 00:59 Edited time: 8 May, 2017 01:29 Russian energy giant Gazprom has begun laying pipes for the Turkish Stream natural gas pipeline off the Russian Black Sea coast, Gazprom CEO Aleksey Miller said Sunday, days after the Sochi meeting between Turkish and Russian leaders. “Today, we started the practical implementation […]

The Pipeline Fight Launched From the Right

Flickering on the computer screen is a neon-green line of progress for the oil industry. The would-be pipeline stretches off the nation’s energy skeleton in Belton, South Carolina, bending a leg down the coastline and through Savannah, Georgia, before planting its foot firmly in the lucrative soils of Jacksonville, Florida. Those who would profit from […]

Environmental groups launch legal challenge against Keystone XL pipeline

Published time: 31 Mar, 2017 02:14 The controversial Keystone XL pipeline which was approved by the US State Department last week is now subject to a legal challenge from a coalition of environmental groups opposed to the project. The TransCanada Corp-owned pipeline will link Canada’s heavy oil sands with oil refineries in Texas and had […]

Oil placed in Dakota Access Pipeline as service set to begin

Published time: 28 Mar, 2017 02:41 The Dakota Access Pipeline is to begin service in the near future as its developer, Energy Transfer Partners, announced that oil has been placed under the Missouri River reservoir. However, the legal battle over the disputed land is far from over. A court filing on behalf of Energy Transfer […]

Controversial Keystone XL pipeline set to be approved

Published time: 23 Mar, 2017 21:11 The Trump administration is set to approve the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline, reversing a key environmental decision of the Obama administration. The 1,700-mile pipeline would carry oil from Alberta tar sands in Canada to Houston-area refineries. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had recused himself from the approval process because […]

Judge blocks Dakota pipeline protesters’ final push for religious heritage protection

Reuters/Stephen Yang March 7 (Reuters) – A U.S. judge on Tuesday ruled against Native American tribes seeking to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline as their legal options narrow weeks before oil is set to flow on the project. Judge James Boasberg of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia rejected the tribes’ request […]

The Keystone pipeline won’t use US steel despite Trump’s pledge

Terray Sylvester/Reuters The Keystone XL oil pipeline won’t use American steel in its construction, despite what President Donald Trump says. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Friday that’s due to language in a presidential directive Trump issued in January. The directive applies to new pipelines or those under repair. Sanders said it would be […]

iPhone 8 – Apple CEO Tim Cook teases ‘exciting things in the pipeline’

GETTY Ahead of the iPhone 8 release date, Apple CEO Tim Cook has teased ‘exciting things’ iPhone 8 looks set to be the most exciting Apple smartphone in a long time. Apple is expected to pull-out all the stops for the next generation phone, which will mark the 10th anniversary of the iPhone when it […]