Loupedeck makes welcome improvements to its photo-editing controller

When Loupedeck smashed its Indiegogo target in 2016, the media controller gave both aspiring photographers and professionals a chance to edit pictures on Adobe Lightroom more quickly and intuitively. That formula will be further refined in Loupedeck+, a freshly announced follow-up that introduces mechanical keys, a reworked design, and a custom dial control mode missing […]

Google is done updating its Nik desktop photo-editing tools

Bad news if you’re a fan of the Nik Collection of free photo-editing apps: Google has announced it will stop supporting the software suite effective immediately. “We have no plans to update the Collection or add new features over time,” a banner atop the Nik Collection website and help center reads. Want in? Then download […]

Disintegrate into thin air (in an artsy way) with PicsArt’s newest photo-editing tool

Photographers can now turn their photos into a disintegrating pattern of shapes — all in the name of art, of course. On Wednesday, April 26, PicsArt launched a new dispersion tool that allows users to generate an effect that scatters pixels in a customizable pattern. The update comes after PicsArt developers started seeing users creating […]