Can you increase your state pension? One way you can boost what’s in your pot

The state pension is something many Britons will rely on claiming to live comfortably later in life. However, the facts surrounding pensions can be very complicated and difficult to understand. There are two types of pension, the basic state pension and the new state pension, and you will claim one or the other depending on […]

State pension changes: When can I claim my state pension? Will state pension age rise?

The state pension is something that Britons can claim once they have reached retirement age. This is on the condition that they have made enough national insurance payments. When can Britons claim their state pension currently? Will state pension age rise again the future? Experts at PensionBee told “Recent state pension changes have replaced […]

Putin details amendments to soften impact of impending pension system reform

Published time: 29 Aug, 2018 09:00 Edited time: 29 Aug, 2018 09:31 In a televised address to the nation, the Russian president proposed moves that would ease the transition to a new pension system, such as making it illegal to fire employees approaching retirement age. In the much-anticipated address, Putin also acknowledged that in the […]

What state pension will you be entitled to? Pension eligibility explained

State pension is given to Britons who have paid more than 11 years of national insurance contributions, but the sum each person is paid varies. Do you know much you’re entitled to when you reach retirement age? Basic state pension Men born before 6 April 1951 and women born before 6 April 1953 are eligible […]

State Pension: How UK pension is calculated – how much will are you entitled to and why?

The state pension is something most Britons are set to enjoy in their later years, after a lifetime of hard work and contributing to the economy. But pensions can be tricky to understand, from working out how to get your state pension, or another pension, down to calculating how much you are entitled to. The […]