Sensitive Facebook documents were seized by British Parliament after the creator of a bikini app ‘panicked’

Tristan Fewings/Getty Images for Foundation For Sports Integrity A court filing has revealed more details about how British lawmakers got their hands on sensitive Facebook documents last week. Ted Kramer, the founder of a software company suing Facebook, handed over papers after he “panicked” following a parliamentary order from MP Damian Collins. The court filing […]

Six4Three exec “panicked” in UK MP’s office, gave up Facebook internal files

Enlarge / Damian Collins, chairman of U.K. House of Commons’ digital culture and sport committee poses for a photograph outside the Houses of Parliament in London, U.K., on Tuesday, March 20, 2018. Collins asked Facebook Inc. Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg Tuesday to answer for a “catastrophic failure of process” as reports emerged concerning Cambridge Analytica, […]

Panicked Secret Service Says It Lost Encrypted Laptop But It's Fine, Everything's Fine

Image: AP Today, a Brooklyn-based Secret Service agent learned what those of us without security clearance have known for years: Don’t leave a laptop in you car if you don’t want it to be stolen. Advertisement Law enforcement sources told both ABC and The New York Daily News on Friday that a laptop containing private […]