Weight loss: BEST diet plan revealed – Keto, Paleo, Nordic, Dukan and 5:2 plans ranked

Weight loss diets come in all shapes and sizes, and many involve cutting out certain food groups. But choosing the right diet for you can be difficult. An expert, Lloyd Bridger, co-founder of leading online training guide provider, LDN Muscle, has ranked seven of the most popular diets exclusively for Express.co.uk. “All diets cause weight […]

25 Easy Fast Healthy Dinner Recipes to Try (And Go Paleo) This Week

In remembrance of our ancestors who ate what was in season without modification, the Paleo diet focuses on a variety of nutritiously rich, raw foods. This actively cuts out foods that tend to cause harm to the body, like preservatives, artificial hormones, pesticides, and processed sugars, grains, and meats. Some followers fully cut out dairy […]

Weight loss diet used by Victoria’s Secret models revealed – so what is ‘paleo’?

The paleo diet is also known as the caveman diet, and can now be credited for the Victoria’s Secret models’ figures – or so their trainer claims. Justin Gelband, a celebrity personal trainer, has worked with Miranda Kerr, Candice Swanepoel, Irina Shaik, Karlie Kloss and Martha Hunt, all of whom have walked the prestigious Victoria’s […]

The popular ‘paleo’ diet is based on a myth

REUTERS/Nikola Solic Peter S. Ungar is Distinguished Professor and director of the Environmental Dynamics Program at the University of Arkansas. He is the author of Evolution’s Bite: A Story of Teeth, Diet, and Human Origins. People have been debating the natural human diet for thousands of years, often framed as a question of the morality […]

Paleo diet ‘is NOT sustainable’ – Bupa dietitian SLAMS popular caveman eating fad

The diet was founded by Loren Cordain and his book quickly became a bestseller. Put simply, followers of the diet must eat like our ancestors would have – so dairy, refined sugar and cereal grains are out, fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs and grass-fed meat is in. Sounds healthy and sensible – but Rachel Eden, […]