Nokia’s 10-year decline is stark, but its brand recognition is strong

ANALYSIS: Nothing particularly Earth-shattering debuted at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona — the usual array of smartphones were unveiled with Samsung taking top billing, net neutrality emerged as a talking point thanks to FCC chair Ajit Pai’s attendance, and the 5G steamroller trundled into second gear with some interesting early innovations rearing their heads. But […]

Nokia’s latest nostalgia-bait feature phone is the 8110 “Banana Phone”

Enlarge / Neo gets a call on the original Nokia 8110. (credit: Warner Bros. Pictures) The year is 1999. Computer programmer Thomas Anderson sits at his cubicle, contemplating the latest dressing down from his boss. His thoughts are interrupted when a delivery arrives. He rips open the FedEx package to reveal a loose, unboxed phone. The phone […]