After Math: Business as usual

While most everybody’s eyes were glued on the happenings at GDC 2018 this week, the rest of the business world quietly continued turning. Google offered $ 40 million for the Lytro camera company, DJI constructed a legion of drones for a construction crew, 2 million Spotify users nixed the ads on their free service and […]

18 high-paying jobs for people who hate math

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr • Hate math? Don’t worry, you can still make bank. • There are plenty of high-paying jobs you can pursue that don’t require a head for numbers. • Judges, acupuncturists, and elevator repairers are just a few occupations that the math-averse can take up.   Did you dread […]

After Math: Internet flame war

As the president sets the stage for a showdown with the video game industry over school safety (since it’s the games that are the real problem, not the guns, nope nope nope), small scale skirmishes and outright battles have been springing up all over the internet this week. GitHub somehow survived the biggest DDoS attack […]

A math formula from the 1990s can help investors make smart bets on the exploding ICO market

ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP/Getty Images) The initial coin offering market is off to a red-hot start in 2018, according to new data from Autonomous NEXT. RBC analyst Mitch Steves outlines a way to value the network of ICOs in a note to clients.    Bitcoin may be down nearly 50% from its all-time high set in December, […]

After Math: It’s bobsled time!

The 2018 Winter Olympics are starting up but Pyeongchang won’t be the only place crowning champions. This week we’ve already seen Waymo win out over Uber in court; Sasha ‘Scarlett’ Hostyn, the most successful woman in eSports, was victorious in an Olympic-backed Starcraft 2 tournament; and Amazon came up with yet another way to dominate […]

26 sheep, 10 goats & ship’s captain: Unsolvable math problem puzzles Chinese students

Students in southwestern China were confounded by a seemingly impossible math question involving sheep, goats, and the captain of a ship. Some of the top-notch answers they came up with appeared in the Chinese media. The question – posed to grade five pupils at a school in Nanchong, Sichuan province – asked the students to […]

After Math: If I had no loot

It was a week of lost and found fortunes in the tech world. The Feds charged My Big Coin Pay over its $ 6 million cryptocurrency scam, Netflix is poised to take home as many a four golden statues for Mudbound, Bungie’s in hot water again over tweaking its Faction token payouts and Google will […]