Check Out Lorde’s Rendition of Martha Wainwright’s “Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole”

As soon opened with the words “Poetry is no place for a heart that’s a whore,” the four-or-so people who recognized Martha Wainwright’s scathingly, vulnerably brilliant 2005 track “Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole” in those words whooped their approval. Surely those who heard the song in Big Little Lies also soon caught on. And, they were probably thrilled […]

Staff Picks: Lorde’s Piano Ballads, Penelope Cruz as Donatella Versace, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen… The Bronx Is Burning’

Need a great book to read, album to listen to, or TV show to get hooked on? The Flavorwire team is here to help: in this weekly feature, our editorial staffers recommend the cultural object or experience they’ve enjoyed most in the past seven days. Scroll through for our picks below. [embedded content] Ladies and […]

Listen to Lorde’s New Song “Sober,” a Morning-After Reflection on the Night Before

The songs that the world has heard so far from Lorde’s upcoming new album Melodrama have been excellent, and the track she released this morning, entitled “Sober,” continues this streak. It’s been kicking around for a couple of months now — she played it at Coachella, and also at a small show in the run-up to the […]