GOP unveils ‘Commitment to America’ platform, passing off stock footage of Russia and Ukraine as the US and a Lehman Brothers ad as a quote by Lincoln

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) talks to reporters after attending the swearing-in of Rep. Brad Finstad (R-MN) at the U.S. Capitol on August 12, 2022 in Washington, DC. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images House GOP leaders on Thursday released a video promoting their "Commitment to America" agenda. Footage from the video passes off stock images of […]

The Treasury Secretary’s hectic schedule after Lehman Brothers’ collapse illustrates the chaos of the financial crisis

Getty Images Saturday marks exactly 10 years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the biggest bankruptcy in the history of the United States, and the defining event of the financial crisis. The days after Lehman’s collapse were a frantic scramble to prevent the collapse of the whole financial system. At the heart of that scramble […]

Former Lehman Brothers staff are hosting a secret party on the 10-year anniversary of the bank’s collapse

Oli Scarff/Getty Images September marks 10 years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the biggest bankruptcy in US history, and the most significant moment of the financial crisis. Hundreds of former Lehman staff are having a reunion in London to commemorate the anniversary, according to a report from Financial News Details of the event are […]

Jamie Carragher sends disgraced Australians Steve Smith and Darren Lehman a message

Carragher tweeted a message to the Aussies saying ‘I knew you’d save me boys!’ with a picture of him alongside Smith and Lehmann. But he quickly deleted it after getting a world of social media abuse. Carragher was suspended by Sky Sports for spitting towards a fan and his daughter following Manchester United’s win over […]

Trump’s reversal of Wall Street regulations risks another Lehman Brothers but ‘on a larger scale’

Oli Scarff/Getty Images They say human beings have short memories, but this is outright amnesia. Donald Trump and the Republican Party’s efforts to dissolve many of the new regulations imposed on major Wall Street banks in the wake of the worst financial crisis are most stunning because they ignore such glaring and recent lessons. These […]