Australia’s lauded private-pension system is under scrutiny

High fees down under PAUL KEATING, a former prime minister of Australia, calls the country’s superannuation system “the envy of the developed economies”. In many ways, it is. The “super”, as Aussies call their private-pension provision, was a crowning achievement of Mr Keating’s premiership. In 1992 he made it compulsory for employers to set aside […]

The 22-year-old lauded as the world’s best slalom skier shares the 3,000-calorie, pasta-heavy diet she eats every day for the Olympics

Tom Pennington/Getty Mikaela Shiffrin has been hailed as the best slalom skier in the world. The 22-year-old is expected to dominate at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, where she will be defending her slalom crown from the Sochi Games.See the rest of the story at Business Insider NOW WATCH: I tried Gwyneth […]