Eurovision 2017: Seven things you HAVE to see in Ukraine capital Kiev

Known for its religious architecture, striking monuments and fascinating Eastern history, Kiev (Kyiv) straddles the Dnieper River dividing the Ukraine.  The country’s capital will host the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest from Tuesday May 9.  Visitors have already begun flooding in from all over the world to participate and spectate at the famous event.  To mark […]

Austrian, who fought for Kiev in E. Ukraine, accused of war crimes

Published time: 30 Apr, 2017 20:57 An Austrian citizen, who traveled to Ukraine to fight for the Kiev government against the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk Republics, has been arrested in Poland on charges of committing war crimes. The suspect, 25, whose identity has not yet been revealed, faces charges of “killing enemy soldiers, who have […]

The Lowest Seed In Dota’s Kiev Major Just Beat The Top Team

GIF It’s not often you see upsets like the one that happened today in Kyiv, Ukraine, where the lowest seed of the tournament not only pushed the top seed to a game three, but eliminated them altogether. Advertisement SG Esports is the South American qualifier team, and they hail from a region not traditionally known […]

Ukrainian nationalists disrupt public Russian language test in Kiev

Published time: 8 Apr, 2017 13:55 Dozens of radical Ukrainian nationalists blocked the entrance to the building of the Russian cultural institution Rossotrudnichestvo in the Kiev, where a public Russian-language dictation was supposed to take place. “The building was blocked by the far-right activists of the ‘National corps’ group, they called for physical violence,” Interfax […]

‘Irrefutable evidence Kiev used WMDs’ against E. Ukraine civilians – Russian investigators

The Russian Investigative Committee says it has received rock-solid proof that Kiev’s armed forces have been using weapons of mass destruction against civilians in eastern Ukraine. Read more “The office of the Russian State Investigative Committee, dealing with crimes involving the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, has discovered and procedurally documented irrefutable […]

Kiev continues to violate ceasefire agreement, opts for military solution – Moscow

Ukrainian forces are using heavy artillery to shell Donetsk residential areas in a clear violation of the Minsk agreements, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said, adding that Kiev seems to favor a military resolution of the Ukrainian conflict. The recent escalation in the Ukrainian South East is a “direct consequence of Ukraine [Kiev] breaking its […]