Home & Family Host and AMC Alum Cameron Mathison Shares Kidney Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment Plan

RELATED STORIES Cameron Mathison has been diagnosed with kidney cancer and will undergo surgery this Thursday to remove a tumor, he announced on Hallmark Channel’s Home & Family, which he co-hosts. “About a month ago, I had an MRI for some gut issues I’ve been having, and during that MRI they found a tumor on […]

Ice hockey fan gets life-saving kidney transplant after help sign at game goes viral

Some people thank their lucky stars when fortune smiles on them but Pittsburgh Penguins fan Kelly Sowatsky knows exactly who was behind her life-saving kidney transplant, after her plea for help was answered by a fellow supporter. School teacher Sowatsky, 31, was in desperate need of the transplant after her kidney function dropped to just […]

Kidney cancer symptoms: Blood in your urine could be a sign of the disease

Kidney cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the UK. The disease can often be cured if it’s caught early, but if not diagnosed until after the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, a cure is not likely to be possible. That’s why it’s important to recognise the […]

Lower back pain warning: Soreness in this part of the body could indicate a serious kidney

Lower back pain usually isn’t the sign of anything serious and normally improves within a few weeks or months. But if pain doesn’t start to improve within a few weeks or the pain is very severe or gets worse over time it can indicate that something more serious is going on. If you experience severe […]

Silicon Valley’s favorite diet can lead to kidney trouble — here’s how to go keto without getting sick

Shutterstock The keto diet is a popular strategy for rapid weight loss and can help with certain medical conditions like seizures and Type 2 diabetes. But kidney doctors say if you’re not careful, it can be a recipe for kidney stones and other health concerns. It’s not the diet itself that’s necessarily bad, but the […]