Ann Widdecombe silences Piers Morgan after interrupting on GMB ‘what are you doing?’

The pair clashed as Ann Widdecombe defended Boris Johnson’s latest coronavirus update arguing people should use common sense when going to work by public transport. But as she was trying to make her point, ITV Good Morning Britain host Piers Morgan kept interrupting the former Brexit Party MEP resulting in a furious clash. She shouted: […]

‘Don’t interrupt me while I’m interrupting you!’: Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders ribbed each other nonstop at CNN’s debate

Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Ted Cruz debated over the GOP’s tax plan in a CNN town hall debate. The polarizing topic has been at the center of Capitol Hill. In several instances, the debate went off the rails and the audiences erupted in laughter. Sen. Bernie Sanders went head-to-head with Sen. Ted Cruz in […]

The One Show: Amanda Holden INSULTS fellow guest with age remark before interrupting hosts

Hosted by Matt Baker and Michelle Ackerley, Amanda was appearing to talk about her new West End dancing project, Stepping Out, with Tracy Ann Oberman. Former EastEnders actress Tracy, 50, revealed how they had struggled to learn their tap dancing steps. Intrigued, Matt asked the pair: “What are Suzie Q’s and cramp rolls?” Amanda, 46, […]