The Russian military’s stunning collapse in eastern Ukraine is injecting optimism into markets, analysts say

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Alexey Furman/Getty Images Ukraine's counteroffensive in its war against Russia is lifting Wall Street's mood, analysts say.  The government in Kyiv said it has retaken about 3,500 square miles of territory from Russia. "Suddenly investors are opening their eyes to the possibility of a sooner end to the war," wrote City Index […]

‘The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls’ Is Injecting A Lot Of Fun Into Kickstarting A Game

Adopting a cat. Sending in fan art. Getting your parents to play The Binding of Isaac. Taking pictures in the bathroom. Stretch goals where you can put your name on a tombstone on Edmund McMillen’s lawn. Drawing pictures of the developer nude. The Kickstarter for The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls, a card game built […]

This Surgeon Is Injecting Humanity Into U.S. Health Care

In 2009, Atul Gawande received a surprise check for $ 20,000. It came not from The New Yorker, the magazine for which the 52-year-old Boston-based doctor has been a staff writer since 1998, or from a thankful patient, but from an executive in Warren Buffett’s inner circle. The money was a token of gratitude for […]