Chesty cough? These symptoms indicate you’ve actually got a chest infection

The symptoms of a chesty cough are slightly different from that of a dry or tickly cough.  They’re often caused by an over-production of mucus due to viral infections due to a cold or flu, which often clear up on their own within three weeks.  But a chesty cough can also be an individual symptom […]

Aussie flu warning: This will NOT protect you from the deadly Australian infection

Deadly Aussie flu has swept across the UK since the beginning of October. Signs of the infection include headaches, fevers and diarrhoea. The deadly Influenza A (H3N2) virus could be prevented by washing your hands regularly, with warm and soapy water. While you can lower your risk by avoiding crowded areas and GP waiting rooms, […]

Aussie flu symptoms: How to prevent infection as expert warns of ‘unpredictable’ virus

Aussie flu spread may be peaking, Public Health England figures revealed last week. But, doctors have warned that the “incredibly unpredictable” virus could come back quickly, and that people should still take precautions against the flu. While the number of flu cases has started to level out, the number of patients coming down with the […]