Hypertension: 56% of Brits might suffer from the ‘silent killer’ unknowingly – signs

NEW poll has revealed that 56 percent of Britons might be living with high blood pressure without knowing. What’s worse, leaving this condition untamed could hike your risk of life-threatening emergencies such as heart attacks and strokes. Fortunately, there are some signs that could help identify the culprit.

High blood pressure symptoms: The toilet habit that could indicate you have hypertension

HIGH blood pressure symptoms can be mistaken for less serious health problems, which can make identifying the condition difficult. But recognising symptoms, particularly in the early stages of the condition, can help prevent complications. One sign to be wary of is a particular toilet habit.

High blood pressure warning – five ways to lower your hypertension risk at Christmas time

HIGH blood pressure risk could be lowered by making some diet or lifestyle changes. But, at Christmas time, stress could lead to some signs and symptoms of hypertension. These are the best ways to prevent high blood pressure during the festive season.