Hemp vs Marijuana: What’s the Difference?

Article was originally published on Made By Hemp. It seems like you see the letters CBD everywhere today. You almost forget that not long ago, CBD products weren’t legal in America. What makes CBD legal comes down to its plant source. Following the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp and marijuana are classified as two different substances under […]

What Does Hemp Taste Like?

Article was originally published on MadeByHemp. Everyone reacts to hemp’s unique flavor a little differently; some say it’s shockingly unpleasant while others love it. In this blog, you’ll learn why hemp tastes the way it does, what you can do to improve the taste, and what products are flavored to taste great. Different Flavors for […]

Washington House Votes 98-0 to Decriminalize Industrial Hemp

Article was originally published on MadeByHemp. We’re excited to report on some great news for the hemp industry, coming out of Washington this week. The state House voted unanimously to decriminalize industrial hemp in the state, which would allow farmers to once again grow this amazing plant. Hemp has long suffered from unfair treatment, simply […]

Should Hemp be Certified Organic?

Article was originally published on MadeByHemp. The organic certification of hemp has been a confusing and sometimes controversial topic. Certification of hemp is relatively new in the United States and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has changed their stance on hemp certification many times. The ambiguity of organic hemp has perplexed both hemp farmers and consumers for the past few years.  As a consumer of […]