'Vegas Strong': Golden Knights try to help community heal with opener

Hockey fans arrived on the Las Vegas Strip in the crisp desert afternoon, gathering in jovial groups outside the rink. Many wore the striking, multicolored jerseys of the Vegas Golden Knights, the NHL expansion team playing its historic first regular-season home game Tuesday night. Less than a mile south on the Strip is the massacre […]

How Can We Teach the President of the United States to Spell “Heal”?

Great God in heaven is our president stupid. It’s an element of his personality that doesn’t really get talked about the way it did with, say, Sarah Palin, or George W. Bush, or Dan Quayle – though he’s dumber than any of them, easily. But it’s not hard to understand why that’s not the focus […]

Insecurities Are Hidden Wounds That Take Time to Heal in Any Relationships

It’s no coincidence that media will turn to the childhood stories to seek out where things went wrong when a star has a meltdown. The explanation might just be the attachment theory. This could also be part of the reason your relationships as an adult are suffering today. Find out what it is exactly and […]

Learning to eat well helped Hazel Wallace heal after dad's death

When her father died from a stroke at the dinner table, Hazel Wallace was devastated. Aged just 15 at the time she was overcome with grief and as a result of her shock refused to eat. She survived on just mouthfuls of food and within months was dangerously ill. “I lost a lot of weight […]

Mike Pence is trying to heal divisions with the Muslim world by praising Indonesia’s moderate Islam

© POOL/AFP BEAWIHARTA Jakarta (AFP) – US Vice President Mike Pence Thursday praised Indonesia’s moderate form of Islam as “an inspiration” at the start of a visit to the Muslim-majority country seen as a bid by his administration to heal divisions with the Islamic world. It came ahead of a visit by Pence to the […]