VR developers: Stop shipping glitchy, half-baked games

OPINION: On the 1-10 spectrum of “game developers should be able to sell completely broken demos” to “every game should be thoroughly vetted before release to earn the Nintendo seal of quality,” I’m somewhere in the middle. For years, I’ve hated how app stores and “games as a service” have cultivated …Read More

Home chefs selling direct to public: The future of dining, or half-baked trend?

Apps that allow home chefs to sell dishes prepared in their personal kitchens have cropped up in Canada, but uncertainties about health regulations and the strength of consumer demand are raising questions about whether the business models are blue ribbon-worthy or half-baked fads.

Disjointed Review: Don't Puff Puff, Just Pass on Netflix's Half-Baked Sitcom

You know how they say smoking marijuana can make anything funny? Well, whoever said that never watched Netflix’s appallingly bad new weed-com Disjointed. Because it would take a tractor-trailer full of ganja to make this mess tolerable. You might have seen that Disjointed (debuting this Friday) stars the great Kathy Bates and airs on Netflix, and […]

Half-baked truths: German Trump bakery far from ‘desserted’ (RT VIDEO)

Published time: 12 Feb, 2017 18:44Edited time: 12 Feb, 2017 18:44 Despite reports of a boycott, the Trump Bakery in Freinsheim, Germany couldn’t ‘knead’ more business with its cake bearing the image of the POTUS selling like, well, hotcakes, as RT found out. Let’s block ads! (Why?) RT – Daily news