Rick Scott predicts the Trump civil fraud lawsuit won’t hurt the GOP’s chances of retaking the Senate much and says the Mar-a-Lago raid ‘revved up the base’

Republican Sen. Rick Scott talks to congressional reporters as Senate GOP leaders look on during a press conference at the US Capitol on September 13, 2022 in Washington, DC. Alex Wong/Getty Images Sen. Rick Scott downplayed the chances of a new lawsuit against Trump endangering the midterms. Scott said kitchen table issues like rising crime […]

The Congressional GOP’s Millennial Whisperer

Rep. Elise Stefanik’s job as a subcommittee chair is to help the military adapt to the next generation of threats facing America. These days, she’s doing the same for the Republican Party. While party leaders fret about what the record 41 House Republican departures mean for their electoral chances this fall, Stefanik, 33, is excited […]

The GOP’s tax bill guts 4 of the biggest tax benefits of homeownership in America

The GOP’s tax bill will impact the housing market in four big ways.  It nearly doubles the standard deduction, lowers the cap on the mortgage-interest deduction, caps the deduction for staten and local taxes, and eliminates deduction for in terest on home-equity debt.  The new tax law represents a momentous change for how housing will […]

New Trump Tower meeting details, a whistleblower, and the GOP’s efforts to malign the FBI — the Trump Russia investigation a week after Flynn’s guilty plea

Brian Snyder/Reuters In the week following former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s guilty plea, new details have emerged about the meeting President Donald Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., attended in July 2016 with a Russian lawyer who offered him “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, among other revelations. The investigation of special counsel Robert Mueller has also […]

The GOP’s High-Risk Move to Whack Obamacare in Its Tax Bill

Updated on November 14 at 4:10 p.m. ET Republicans are taking another run at the Affordable Care Act as part of their overhaul of the tax code. Bowing to pressure from President Trump, Senate leaders announced on Tuesday afternoon that they would add the repeal of Obamacare’s individual insurance mandate to the far-reaching tax bill […]

Trump is making a last-ditch effort to resurrect the GOP’s health care push

AP Photo/Alex Brandon WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump says it’s probably time to “just let Obamacare fail” after the latest humiliating heath bill collapse in the Senate. Still, he’s making a last-ditch effort to find some way to revive his party’s seemingly failed efforts on the bill. Trump stayed largely on the sidelines as […]

The GOP’s budget deadlock could derail Trump’s hopes for tax overhaul

AP Photo/Evan Vucci WASHINGTON (AP) — If Republicans can’t pass a budget, forget about a major overhaul of the nation’s tax code — at least if they want a GOP-only approach with President Donald Trump that would avoid Democratic delaying tactics. Congressional Republicans are struggling to first figure out a budget, but despite weeks of […]